10 Reasons Why Singing is Freedom
10 Reasons Why Singing is Freedom
10 Reasons Why Singing is Freedom is written with the intention of supporting people of all ages to find their voice and to embrace the fact that their voice is unique to them, it matters. Singing is a birthright not a competitive sport. Singing is a spirit lifter, creating many health benefits that flow with ease when
you sing.
“Corinne Gibbons’ book 10 Reasons Why Singing is Freedom is a work that you need to experience, whether or not you consider yourself a singer. By reminding you that your voice is your birthright, Corinne will help you understand why singing is your all-purpose ticket to more joy, health, and magic in your life. As a long-time teacher of Broadway performers, I have seen time and again the way that voice study opens you up to possibility, clues you into your intuition, and makes you feel better in all parts of your life. The beauty of Corinne’s book is that she illustrates how these benefits are available for absolutely everyone. If you’ve ever been told you “can’t sing”, this is the book for you. If you consider yourself a top-level voice professional, this is the book for you. Do yourself a favor and check out 10 Reasons Why Singing is Freedom.”
— Andrew Byrne
Broadway voice teacher and author of The Singing Athlete
“I was lifted like a bird by this book but also through my singing experience with Corinne. Find your voice, set yourself free. Roar and soar!”
— Cat Leach
Designer, illustrator and author of Tighten your Briefs