10 Reasons Why Singing is Freedom (Audio Book)
10 Reasons Why Singing is Freedom (Audio Book)
Singing is as natural as smiling :)
I was inspired to write “10 Reasons Why Singing is Freedom “ to extend a gentle invitation for all people to find their voice and invite the healing power of music into their worlds. Singing is not a competitive sport, it is for everyone.
This is a snapshot of my path to finding my voice and what I have witnessed along my journey so far in healing myself through song and supporting over 30,000 people to find their freedom through singing.
Welcome dear friends - I look forward to hearing from you and to hearing your singing stories! Please come and join my tribe for more offerings, more tips and fun ways to support your own and your family’s voices!
Please note this version of the book is available for a limited time only: it’s our soft launch and this copy will not be available after November 2021. You will automatically be joined to my foundation tribe when you make your purchase.
Click here if you would like to buy multiple copies of the Audio Book.
Please feel free to purchase this book for friends who may enjoy the well being benefits of singing at this time, I am happy to make a personalised digital video gift card for you to send with your present! Simply send me an email through the contact form on this website after you’ve ordered your book :)